Search Engine Ranking Checker

Search ranking position checker usually done manually, you may open your browser and type the keyword you want to check and start checking from page 1 to page 10 or maybe 100. Do u think it waste of time? Sure. It will take one hour or more. Today you can use some tools that provide such service to check the movement of your keyword automatically. No need to open any browsers. For free version as long as I know you can use “rank tracker” this tool will give you the easiest way to check all over of your keyword in all search engine types (Google, Yahoo, Bing, Ask, Aol, and others). All you have to do just type the keyword you want to check and click search, it will done in a minute.

Rank tracker is not merely used to check your ranking position, it also can be used to grab your competitor meta tag so you can pick one of the good meta tag and use it as your keyword, so you do not need to search and research a keyword that have a large monthly search. Besides that rank tracker can be used to research your keyword, to check cost per click, local & global monthly search and many others. This is the best free version tool that has a lot of functions. If you’re confuse about how to pick a keyword you can grab your competitor meta tag and keyword that they already used to win and dominate in search engine. This tool also updated regularly it makes the function works very good and accurate. Leave your manual habit from checking a hundred keyword manually it will just waste your time. For you who interest to try this tool I will give you the download link so you can try it and give me a review of it.
Grab it here

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Meta Tag Seo

Meta tag seo is really important, meta tag must be appropriate with the keyword we are targeting. The first time search engine crawled is your meta tag, so when your meta tag is not setting correctly search engine won’t find your site and your site will not getting any high ranking. That is why understanding about how to set a correct meta tag is a must. For example you are targeting a keyword “weight loss and weight tips” so your meta tag should be “weight lost| weight tips” you should use a sign “ | “ to separate one to another word. Not only meta tag you should also correct the description of your website it should be at least 25 words, describe about the content of your website details. And the last is your tag, tag and meta tag is a bit similar, the difference is in meta tag we use “ | “ as a separator meanwhile in tag we use “ , “ (comma) as a separator. If you already completed this step your site will be easily crawled by search engine.

To make your site more seo friendly you may use a good template that provide easy setting, for Wordpress there are some plugin that will make you easier to manage your website such as all in one seo pack. This plugin help you to set your meta tag easily, you can use it for free because it’s available in free version. If you have did all this step now you can start creating a backlink to boost your page visibility in search engine. Remember your keyword must be fix with your current meta tag. You can do social bookmarking & blog commenting to gain a good ranking in search engine. Make 5 backlink a day is much better compare to 1000 a day and you stop. If you already choose the right keyword for your site, whenever your keyword already in page one of Google there will be a lot of traffic to your site, more traffic more money. To create a backlink in small amount you can do it manually and see the result after a few days.
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Best Seo Strategy

Best seo strategy after panda and penguin update is not far from the previous strategy. In many ways blog commenting, social bookmarking, article directory and another one way method is still effective today. The problem is just the matter you create each backlink pointing to your site. In creating backlink for social bookmarking you need to put many keywords and not the same keyword to the same social bookmarking site, if you do this your keyword will fall in a couple of days, and may have not return back. In blog commenting you may have to find dofollow and high page rank blog that still have a little outbound link, try to be the first commentator on that blog. To find some fresh blog you can use some footprints like “site:wordpress” and many others I will try to explain deeply about this in the next episode. In article directory we need to write an original article before we create a good backlink, make sure your article is readable and not look spamming. For some site your article may be moderated and another auto approve and you can see the result after creating it.

If one day your keyword is fallen and never been seen from page 1 to page 100 in Google it means you are become a victim of Google Penguin. Most people who felt this effect because they create a backlink with similar keywords to the same site regularly. To solve this problem you need to create another variety of backlink to another type with the different keywords. In fact the strategy is not different, the differences is only on Google how to spider your site today.

Many people love blog commenting because it’s the cheapest type of backlink, you can exchange link with your friend and share your website content. To have a good backlink from this type you need to comment appropriate with the topic of the blog, do not just leave a spammy comment like “hey I found your blog on Google” if you do this you’re comment must be rejected and you will be blacklisted. Try to comment appropriate with the topic. You can also put your name as a keyword, but it’s not problem whenever you put your name and it still be counted as a backlink.

To make your backlink totally visible in Google you can do many things like Pinging them to some Pinging sites. The purpose of pinging is merely to make Google aware that you just created a backlink and force Google to index your site. There is something you need to know about indexing and crawling, indexing mean your backlink is getting indexed, the indication of this whenever you type the url of your backlink to Google if it’s exist it means your backlink have already been indexed. Otherwise, if it’s not exist your backlink may have only been crawled. In fact it’s no matter crawled or indexed the matter one your site is getting good ranking positions. Now try your own best seo strategy.
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